Our Board Can Now Include You

5 staff members standing on the shore of Sturgeon Lake, shot taken from a drone

The requirements to join the board of a conservation district just became more inclusive. Now, any registered voter living in a conservation district with at least 250,000 people can now run for Zone-specific board positions in the Zone where they reside or for At-Large board positions. Previously, Zone-specific board seats had requirements of owning or…

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You’re Invited: 2023 Annual Meeting

WMSWCD Annual Meeting words over fern background

(PHOTO BY PAT WELLE) Join us for our 2023 Annual Meeting! Date & Time: Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Hosted Dinner: 5pmAnnual Meeting & Awards Ceremony: 6pmThere will be an abbreviated Board of Directors meeting following the Annual Meeting Location: The Old Spaghetti Factory, 715 S Bancroft St, Portland OR 97239 Agenda: Present annual report Present…

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Summer on the water

Aerial view of a kayaker on Sturgeon Lake near green trees and shrubs on shore.

Our conservation team is busy getting ready for another aquatic weed season in our waterways! Phragmites australis var. australis and Ludwigia (Ludwigia hexapetela and Ludwigia peploides) are the main targets as they have been found occasionally in the Multnomah Channel. Staff will also be keeping an eye out for other priority aquatic weeds that haven’t…

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Are you interested in serving as an Associate Director?

Aerial view of Sauvie Island, Oregon

The West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Directors can appoint Associate Directors to contribute additional expertise and energy to the board. What is the role of an Associate Director? Associate Directors are volunteers who reside within the District’s service area. They serve as non-voting members of the Board of Directors. Their input…

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How to create and maintain wildlife habitat on your land

a yellow spider catches a fly on top of a yellow flower

There are many things you can do to attract wildlife to your property and improve existing wildlife habitat: Want to improve wildlife habitat on your forest land?  The Woodland Fish and Wildlife publication series is for you. A variety of practical “how to” publications are written just for small forest owners in the Pacific Northwest: If you…

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Actions you can take to reduce the impacts of climate change

hand scattering seeds on dark soil

Tackling climate change might seem like an impossible challenge, but it’s not too late to take positive action. There is still hope! How we use and care for the land around us can reduce dependence on greenhouse gas producing chemicals, use less water, and capture carbon in the soil. Consider making a few small changes…

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When in drought, choose native plants

Great camas in bloom with 6 petal flowers in front of green background

A native plant is indigenous to a specific location. This includes trees, flowers, grasses and other plants that are naturally found (or have existed for many years) in the area. Incorporating native plants throughout your landscape benefits local wildlife and fosters biodiversity.  Not only are native plants preferred by native birds, bees and other wildlife, they…

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How to prepare your family and home for wildfire

home in background with open green space and three trees in foreground

As summers grow longer and hotter from climate change, wildfires are burning hotter and longer and are increasingly destructive. If you live in a suburban neighborhood, near Forest Park or other large forested area, or in the more rural reaches of Multnomah County, you need to be ready for fire near your home. In 1940…

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Winner of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

Turtles on log in water

We are pleased to announce that the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has again awarded our District the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, this time for our fiscal year 2022-2023 budget. This is the third consecutive year that we have been awarded this honor, and reflects the commitment of our Board of Directors and staff to meeting…

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Seeking community members to join our Budget Committee

photo of oak island oak tree

West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District is a local government public service district that provides resources, education, and expertise to inspire people to actively improve air and water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and soil health. Our service territory includes Multnomah County west of the Willamette River, all of Sauvie Island including the Columbia…

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Welcome our new District Manager, Lynn Barlow

photo of lynn barlow

We are very pleased to share that Lynn Barlow has joined us as our new District Manager. Lynn joins our team with over 24 years of experience in the conservation field. Her career includes 19 years acquiring, managing, and restoring public natural areas with City of Portland, and most recently, nearly four years with the…

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Welcome our 2023 Climate Change Intern

Photo of Araon next to PSU-LSAMP logo

West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District is incredibly fortunate to be hosting Araon Sierras as our second Portland State University (PSU) Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Climate Change Intern. During this internship, Araon will be building off the “climate lens” work completed by last year’s intern, in…

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