Our Board Can Now Include You

5 staff members standing on the shore of Sturgeon Lake, shot taken from a drone

The requirements to join the board of a conservation district just became more inclusive. Now, any registered voter living in a conservation district with at least 250,000 people can now run for Zone-specific board positions in the Zone where they reside or for At-Large board positions. Previously, Zone-specific board seats had requirements of owning or managing 10 acres of land. Since Governor Kotek signed SB 775 into law in August, that has changed, meaning that in our highly urban West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, many more of our constituents can serve and be represented at the board level.

The next opportunity to run for a seat on our Board of Directors will be in the November 2024 general election. Check our site in the future for more information and sign up to receive our newsletter to make sure you get the information on our next election. If you would like to participate in another way (and not related to SB 775), consider our Associate Directors program!

Please spread the word of this good news and remember, all of our board meetings are open to the public. Please email info@wmswcd.org for an access code if you’d like to join virtually, or with other questions regarding the board.

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