False brome

Brachypodium sylvaticum

false brome
Photo by Bruce Newhouse, ODA
Photo by Bruce Newhouse, ODA

False brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum) is a perennial bunch grass native to Eurasia and North Africa. It is spreading quickly through western Oregon in shaded woodlands, open prairies, river banks, and roadsides, displacing native forest understoryUnderstory The area under and around trees and vegetation. The lime green leaf blade is flat and floppy with fine hairs around the leaves and stem. Flower spikelets droop and have very short or no stalks. Mature plants form solid mats up to 8″ tall.

False brome spreads quickly by seed. It is best to dig out false brome when it’s still small. Be sure to brush off clothes, shoes, equipment, and pets to get any seeds off after walking through infested areas.

Some native plant alternatives are:

  1. Tall Oregon grape
  2. Mountain mahogany
  3. Golden currant
  4. Mock orange
  5. Blue blossom
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