Sauvie Island & Multnomah Channel Bottomlands Conservation Opportunities: A Resource for Landowners & Land Managers.
In partnership with Sauvie Island Habitat Partnership, Scappoose Bay Watershed Council, and Wetlands Conservancy, in September 2018, we created the publication Sauvie Island & Multnomah Channel Bottomlands Conservation Opportunities: A Resource for Landowners & Land Managers. The document is the culmination of years of research and is meant to inspire and inform the future management and appreciation of natural resources, habitat and wildlife in this unique area of the Northwest.
It offers a natural history of the area and catalogs known plant and wildlife species; summarizes soils, hydrology, plant communities, invasive species, other natural resources, and land uses; and includes maps of land ownership, vegetation cover, conservation projects, soils, hydrology, historic habitats and Oregon white oak presence. It also describes conservation efforts to date and outlines conservation opportunities for the future, such as for pollinators, water quality, community science, and invasive weed control — in oak habitat, riparian areas along canals and other wetlands, meadows and grasslands, hedgerows and on cropland — for soil health and biodiversity.