Jan Hamer
Jan has spent 50 years in the electrical field, specifically in designing, engineering, and developing high voltage electrical system upgrades in factories, commercial buildings, system power plants, city and utility electrical systems, including all construction and marine applications.
Twenty-five of those year were spent in industrial manufacturing processes, product (chemical and spectrographic) analysis, air-water chemical solid/hazardous waste management, regulatory compliance, project design and implementation. His business experience also encompasses employee supervision, labor/union relations, skills and sales training, environmental health/industrial hygiene, workers compensation insurance and fiscal management. On the business marketing side, Jan has handled media production and direct service sales and marketing of various product lines. In addition, Jan has nine years’ experience rebuilding boat and residential houseboat marinas.
He is an avid wetland and wildlands conservationist exemplified by the development and management of a 35 acre wildlife habitat and hazardous waste clean-up involving factories and water systems.