Betsy Charlton Powell and Kelly Charlton

Betsy Charlton Powell and Kelly Charlton are sisters and business partners who own and manage a 165+ acre farm on Sauvie Island that has been operating for 150 years. Their collaboration with the district began in earnest in 2020 to step up control of the weeds and increase native vegetation and tree canopy/shade along their ~½ mile of the Gilbert River Canal. Together, they received an OWEB small grant and used conservation crews to help natural habitat on their property. They created a small Oregon white oak savanna to foster the native tree species and its declining habitat on Sauvie Island. Both Betsy and Kelly love the plants, sandhill cranes, and other amazing wildlife on the land they all call home. As an artist, Betsy collects plant materials to make basket art and volunteers in the art class at the local school. She also serves on the school board. Betsy and Kelly both are hands-on, tending land and removing weeds—with some help from their three alpacas and llamas. They are gracious hosts to planting and maintenance crews. At a broader level, they consistently engage in conservation-related community meetings, including those hosted by WMSWCD, and care about all facets of land and water management on the Island. The district celebrates the Charlton sisters for dedicated stewardship of their wetlands, riparianRiparian areas The land alongside a stream, creek, river, or floodplain and upland forests and other upland habitat.