We Want You to Become a Weed Watcher: Event April 9

Michelle, a white woman with curly red hair and glasses, wears a baseball cap and holds a bunch of garlic mustard.

Last year, we treated over 1800 patches of invasive weeds on private property in our District. Could you identify pokeweed, spurge laurel, and garlic mustard? What about ludwigia and lesser celandine?

As you see leaves popping out of the ground and flowers opening, it’s an exciting time to start thinking about plants. You might recognize the regular weeds sprouting and know you want to pull–dandelions, ivy, blackberries, but what about the weeds you don’t know?

We’re here to help you become weed watchers. Join our invasive species program manager Michelle (above) in an engaging workshop where she’ll bring live specimens of emerging harmful species in our area. People who come to the workshop will get questions about weeds answered and come away being able to confidently identify and report the ones conservationists are most concerned about in our area.

Weed Watchers Workshop
Free to attend
April 9, 2025 6-7:30 pm
Pizza dinner will be provided

Located at the Tryon Creek State Natural Area Nature Center: 11321 S Terwilliger Blvd. Portland, OR 97219.
This location has free parking, is ADA accessible and has single-stall restrooms available. If you have other accessibility needs, including translation, please include that request in your registration.

Register here: bit.ly/tryon-weeds25.

Registration is not required to attend, so feel free to bring a neighbor, but if you have a chance, please register so we can order enough pizza!

We host this event in collaboration with our partners Tryon Creek Watershed Council and Friends of Tryon Creek.

If this registration fills the room capacity, we may cap attendance. If it does, we may host another like it soon, so keep on the lookout on our site, or signup for our email newsletter (in the footer below).