When you think of greens in our region, you probably think of thick forests, moss, and lovely pollinator gardens. You might not be thinking about lettuce, kale, and fruit trees—but you can get local produce in many different ways if you’re looking to support local farmers and agriculture. Portland CSAs, farmers markets, and farmstands are abundant on this side of town!
While produce at the grocery store gives a multitude of options for your recipes or snacks, there are benefits to trying to find food that come from closer to home. The perks of local produce are that it encourages eating what is in season, which connects us to the land and seasons; reduces the distance our food has to travel to us; and supports local businesses which also nourish the land.
The way our food system works means eating local food is often more expensive than buying at the grocery store. But if it’s in your budget to supplement your shopping with local produce, you just might find a new habit for finding food and community in your life.
Here, we’ve listed opportunities to sign up for CSAs, find farmers markets, or visit farmstands in the West Multnomah SWCD service area. If you live outside that area, we encourage that you check out PNWCSA.org to find CSAs and farms near you!
Did we miss anything? If you know of a CSA, farmers market, or farmstand in our District that is not listed here, please send us their website and/or contact info so we can confirm and add them to the site.
Westside Portland CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture)
Community Supported Agriculture is known as CSAs. These programs are like a subscription service, in which you sign up early in the season and pay in advance for a certain amount of produce from a farm. Then, you pick up your order (usually weekly or bi-weekly) from a pre-designated pickup point, or have it delivered. Portland CSAs are a great way to support farmers as it is a guaranteed sale, allowing them to plan their crops in advance and have cash for the season. Whereas at a market, while valuable, farmers can’t count how many sales they’ll get per week. If you’re a regular at the farmers market and/or love seasonal produce, CSAs are an awesome next step.
These Portland CSAs (or those that serve Portland, listed alphabetically) all have pickup points listed within the West Multnomah SWCD boundaries, but the farms themselves may be outside of that area.
CAMPO Colectivo on Stoneboat Farm
About: We’re a nonprofit farm working to transition 1.5 acres of Stoneboat Farm to a cooperative model using no till and permaculture tactics to produce great veggies and fruits.
Sign up: https://www.campopdx.org/csa
West side pickup point: Shemanski park farmers market: Wednesdays 10 a.m. — 2 p.m.
Deck Family Farm
Deck Family Farm is a 320-acre organic farm in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. This farm sells beef, lamb, pork, and chicken raised on pastures rich in grass, herbs, and clover, providing a natural habitat that mimics what their wild ancestors lived in.
Sign up: https://www.deckfamilyfarm.com/subscribe
West side pickup points: PSU Sat. Farmers Market- Saturdays 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Gathering Together Farm
About: Our CSA program is a weekly food box full of delicious, seasonal produce that is mostly supplied by produce we grow.
Sign up: https://www.gatheringtogetherfarm.com/
West side pickup points:
PSU Sat. Farmers Market- Saturdays 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Shemanski Wed. Farmers Market- Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Spring Garden Park Neighborhood- Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Hillsdale Sun. Farmers Market – Sundays 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Hood River Organic
Sign up: https://hoodriverorganic.csaware.com/store/csadetails.jsp
West side pickup point: Ecotrust, 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR 97209 Portland, OR 97209
Delivery also available in NW and SW Portland
Kenai-Red Fish Company
About: Kenai-Red Fish Company is a Community Supported Fishery (CSF) that proudly delivers high quality, long lasting, sustainable wild Alaskan seafood shares to households around the Portland area.
Sign up: https://kenairedfc.com/pages/how-it-works
West side pickup point: 3320 Southwest 44th Avenue, Portland, 97221
Delivery may also be available depending on ZIP code, check website for details.
La Terra Vita
About: Join our gourmet CSA and cook with the finest, most flavorful, densest organic vegetables this season!
Sign up: http://www.laterravita.com
West side pick up point: PSU Sat. Farmers Market – Saturdays 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Lil Starts
About: Lil Starts is a 5-acre farm located in Willamina, OR. We use sustainable and regenerative practices to grow food and plant starts for our community.
Sign up: https://lilstarts.com/pages/2025-veggie-csa
Delivery available to west side customers based on zip code. You can check at the signup link
Sun Gold Farm
About: Growing naturally for four generations!
Sign up: https://www.sungoldfarm.com
West side pick up point: PSU Sat. Farmers Market – Saturdays 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Delivery: Each Wednesday, with a $20 minimum order, we will bring amazing farm-fresh items to your home within the Portland area. Some restrictions apply. Orders must be in by Monday at 11 pm!
Sweet Annie’s Farm
About: Receive a selection of 7-10 of the freshest seasonal veggies with our bi-weekly farm share. May- November for pick up or delivery. Beyond Organic, minimal till, grown with love on .5 acre.
Sign up: https://www.sweetanniesfarm.com/farm-share-info/
Delivery available in Portland based on location. Email the farm for confirmation
Wild Roots Farm
About: Wild Roots is a ecologically-oriented market farm, owned and operated by farmers Mary Colombo and Brian Shipman, growing over 200+ varieties of high-quality vegetables and herbs for our community.
Sign up: https://www.wildrootsnw.com/wild-roots-csa.html
West side pickup point: Slabtown @ Pomarius Nursery – NW 18th Ave and NW Vaughn St
Pick your own and/or Farmstands:
Our district includes Sauvie Island, which is home to much of the agricultural land in our area. You may know already that Sauvie tends to get busier during harvest seasons in the late spring, when berries are ripe, through pumpkin and corn maze seasons in the fall. Check out these farms (listed alphabetically) which all have seasonal farmstands and/or pick-your-own opportunities. We recommend checking out their websites before heading to visit as opening hours may vary.
Douglas Farm (open seasonally)
Bella Organic Farm (open seasonally)
Sauvie Island Blueberry Farm (open seasonally)
Sauvie Island Farms (open seasonally)
The Pumpkin Patch (open seasonally)
Topaz Farm (open seasonally)
Farmers Markets
Farmer’s markets may feature both growers and makers from across a region, as many producers drive hours to sell at farmers markets and it’s their main source of business. There, you’ll find some stands that have a lot of one kind of food (like berries or mushrooms), some that have a whole variety of produce (a traditional farmstand style). Many farmers markets also feature local crafts and prepared food to eat while you’re there. You probably will also get to enjoy local music, neighbors, and dog-watching!
(listed alphabetically)
Hillsdale Farmers Market
Alternating Sundays from 9am-1pm
Location: Rieke Elementary School parking lot1405 SW Vermont St. Portland, OR
The market operates year-round. It runs weekly between Easter and Thanksgiving and roughly every other week in the winter. Check the website for exact dates.
Portland State University
Saturdays, 9 am – 2 pm, through March 29, 8:30 am – 2 pm, starting in April 5
Location: SW Park & Montgomery
Sauvie Island Farmers Market
Seasonally announced dates and locations
Shemanski Park
Wednesdays, May – October 2025 10 am – 2 pm
Harvest Market, November 2025
Location: SW Park & Main
South Waterfront Farmers Market
Thursday, June through October, 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm for our summer season (please note that we close at 6:00 pm during the month of October due to the lack of daylight)
Location: Elizabeth Caruthers Park at 3508 S Moody Avenue, Portland